Cena netto | Cena brutto | |
Koszt udziału pierwszej osoby: | 279.00 zł(netto) | 343.17 zł(brutto) |
Koszt udziału drugiej osoby: | 279.00 zł(netto) | 343.17 zł(brutto) |
Drugie Spotkanie użytkowników pomyślane jest jako platforma do wzajemnego poznania się, wymiany doświadczeń oraz nawiązania kontaktów naukowych przez zespoły wykorzystujące aparaty Operetta™ lub Opera™ Phenix Revvity Inc.
Druga Akademia Obrazowania będzie poświęcona wykorzystywaniu HCS w procesie opracowywania leków, procedurom przygotowania próbek i wstępnych pomiarów poprzedzających analizy HCS oraz obrazowaniu In Vivo – kolejnemu etapowi badań przedklinicznych.
Program Spotkania i Akademii adresowany jest zarówno do doświadczonych użytkowników HCS, użytkowników rozpoczynających pracę z tymi systemami oraz dla wszystkich zainteresowanych tą technologią obrazowania.
High Content Screening to pełna automatyzacja procesu obrazowania, analizy obrazu i przekształcania danych obrazowych w matematyczne gwarantuje wysoką standaryzację procesu, co w połączeniu z możliwością prowadzenia analiz wieloparametrowych i wysoką przepustowością umożliwia wykorzystanie technologii HCS do rozwoju badań podstawowych, jest również wielu etapów badań przedklinicznych.
- Laurianne Davignon | Field Application Scientist, Revvity Inc.
- Imran Hassan | Senior Product Specialist, Life Sciences, Revvity Inc.
- Marek Michałowski | Imaging Product Manager, Pro-Environment Polska
- Jarosław Walczak | Associate Proffessor IPPT PAN
- Natalia Karczewska | Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC, IChB PAN
- Aleksandrza Chorążewska | Department of Protein Engineering, University of Wroclaw
- Małgorzata Wieteska | Doctoral School of Information and Biomedical Technologies (TIB)
- Piotr Setny | Centre of New Technolgies (CeNT)/Inventro S.A.
DAY 1 – Monday, May 27th
2nd HCS Users Meeting Poland
Morning session:
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome and Meeting Program (Grzegorz Gołąb Pro-Environment Polska, Laurianne Davignon Revvity, Jarosław Walczak PPT, Marek Michałowski Pro-Environment Polska)
9:15 Revvity Introduction (Laurianne Davignon, Revvity Inc)
90:30 User Scientific Lecture 1 – Advancing Preclinical Compound Assessment though HCS Methodologies – Navigating Thought Complexity (mgr Malgorzata Wieteska IPPT PAS/Inventro S.A.)
10:00 User Scientific Lecture 2 – Application of Opera Phenix microscope in understanding the role of the Dicer protein (mgr Natalia Karczewska Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 User Scientific Lecture 3 – HCS research using library of inhibitors and Hight-throughput Opera Phenix Plus Microscope – towards precise delivery of cytotoxic drugs to cancer cell (mgr Aleksandra Chorążewska University of Wrocław)
11:30 User Scientific Lecture 4 – AI Powered High Throuputh Virtual Drug Screening for Multiple protein Targets (dr hab. Potr Setny (CeNT UW, Inventro S.A.)
Afternoon session:
13:30 Discussion Panel 1
14:30 Discussion Panel 2 (continuous coffee)
16:00 Closing of HCS User Meeting
19:00 Dinner (Included)
DAY 2 – Tuesday, MAY 28th
2nd Imaging School: HCS – perfect tool for the Drug Discovery Process
Morning session:
9:15 Welcome, program
9:30 HCS as a key element in Drug Discovery Workflow (basic applications used in Drug Discovery and benefits of HCS as a fast, standardized, automated method for Hihg Throughput Screening and High Content Analyses (Laurianne Davignon Revvity)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Sample preparation, preliminary analysis, target – based approaches to phenotypic discovery (Imran Hassan Revvity)
- Group A: sample preparation workshop
- Group B: cytotoxicity presentation – Operetta CLS LAB (IPPT)
12:15: Lunch
Afternoon session:
- Group B: sample preparation workshop
- Group A: cytotoxicity presentation – Operetta CLS LAB (IPPT)
13:30 Toubleshooting with Laurianne Davignon/Imran Hassan (Revvity)
14:30 In Vivo Imaging as a next step in Drug Discovery Process (Marek Michałwski Pro-Environment Polska)
15:15 Questions, next meeting ideas/questionnaire/Certificates
Laurianne Davignon PhD
Application Specialist HCS, EMEAI PerkinElmer
Molecular and cell biologist from training, Laurianne has worked with High Content Screening equipment during her postdocs. She joined PerkinElmer four years ago and continues since supporting scientists developing HCS assays around the world.
Imran Hassan
Senior Product Specialist, Life Sciences Emerging Territories Revvity Inc.
Imran is a Senior Product Specialist, responsible for Revvity’s Life Sciences portfolio across the Emerging Territories of Eastern Europe (incl. Poland), Baltics-Mediterranean, CIS countries, Israel, Turkey, Middle East & Africa.
Imran received his Master’s degree in Applied Biomolecular Technology from the University of Nottingham, UK, following which he worked in R&D at the RCSI (Dublin, Ireland), Domainex (Cambridge, UK), Lonza (London, UK) and Thermo Fisher Scientific, before moving to Revvity as a Product Specialist for Life Sciences across South Asia & Middle East/
Marek Michałowski
Molecular Biologist, Imaging Product Manager in Pro-Environment Polska
From more than 10 years focused on HCS systems configuration according to users needs
Jarosław Walczak PhD, Associate Proffessor
Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter IPPT PAN
As a highly experienced researcher in cell biology and biochemistry, he has spent over a decade designing and executing both commercial and academic research projects. He possesses a wide range of expertise in cellular models and state-of-the-art in vitro methods with a particular focus on High Content Screening approaches and single cell analysis.
Aleksandra Chorążewska
Invited Speaker - Department of Protein Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wroclaw (Poland)
Aleksandra Chorążewska is a PhD student at Department of Protein Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wroclaw (Poland) under supervision of Dr Łukasz Opaliński.
She graduated in Biotechnology at Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wroclaw in 2022. Her master thesis was focused on finding relationship between the sequence, stability, and function of classical zinc fingers.
Currently, the main subject of her research is focused on identifying endocytosis pathways in pancreatic cells and finding chemical compounds, that can influence that process – in both ways: promote and inhibit. Additionally, she is involved in other projects in which I focus on microscopic imaging using the Opera Phenix Plus microscope."
Natalia Karczewska
Invited Speaker - Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC, IChB PAN Poznań
Natalia Karczewska is a biologist at the Centre for Chemical Biology ERIC in the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan. The Centre has experience and provides services in HTS of compound libraries, multi-parametric high-content imaging, super-resolution microscopy, as well as chemical synthesis of bioactive molecules and “Hit to Lead” approach to molecular optimization.
She graduated in 2022 with a MSc in Biotechnology from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. At the Centre, she works on projects related to the topic of multiparametric microscopic imaging, including the use of “Cell Painting” assay on adherent human cell lines. In addition, she focuses on developing skills in the analysis of microscopic images, as well as the analysis of multiparametric numerical data from compound screening performed using microscopic imaging.
Małgorzata Wieteska
Invited Speaker - Doctoral School of Information and Biomedical Technologies (TIB)
Małgorzata Wieteska: With an MSc in Biology from the University of Warsaw, is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at the Doctoral School of Information and Biomedical Technologies (TIB). With a decade of experience as a Lab Technician and Researcher at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, she has contributed to various research projects. In her current role as a Researcher for the National Science Center (NCN) project, she oversees tasks such as monitoring sample conditions during cytotoxicity tests and conducting analyses using a high-throughput microscopy. Her expertise in cell biology and biochemistry reflects a dedicated commitment to advancing scientific inquiry through innovative in vitro methods.
Piotr Setny
Invited Speaker - Centre of New Technolgies, University of Warsaw
Holding the title of medical doctor and DSc degree in physics from the University of Warsaw, Dr. Setny specialises in advancing and applying computational methodologies to address biological challenges. He is a seasoned scientific group leader with a proven track record as a principal investigator in multiple research projects. Joining Inventro reflects the pursuit of his longstanding passion for computer aided drug design, now evolving within the exciting, dynamic landscape of the machine learning and AI revolution.
Krzysztof Jankowski
Biologist, Sales Leader Poland in Pro-Environment Polska
Biologist by education and passion. Chemist and salesman by choice, who returns to biology after 10 years to jointly develop Life Science in northern Poland.
Opera Phenix™ Plus
Pozwala m.in. na jednoczesną rejestrację do 4 fluorescencji w trybie obrazowania fluorescecnyjnego lub konfokalnego, obrazowanie kinetyki szybkich reakcji na poziomie pojedynczych komórek dzięki zintegrowanemu systemowi dozowania, rejestrację obrazów 2D lub 3D komórek utrwalonych, komórek żywych, sferoidów, organoidów, Organ-on-Chip a także organizmów modelowych.
Operetta CLS™
Operetta CLS™ umożliwia automatyczne, szybkie i wystandaryzowane obrazowanie fluorescencyjne utrwalonego materiału biologicznego jak również obrazowanie przyżyciowe w przedłużonym czasie. Aparat pozwala na obrazowanie materiału komórkowego 2D oraz 3D w celu prowadzenia analiz typu High Content Screening lub High Content Analysis.